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June 2, 2013

School for Boys, Chatra, Jharkhand, India.

The school at Hazaribagh for girls is not only changing the lives of 50 girls, it has changed the hearts and minds of many people.

Inspired by the success of this school, folks from various walks of life and surrounding districts / counties came to us, asking how can this be done in their areas.
How can they recreate an excellent environment for kids in their villages, in their towns. What can they do to help?

Our demand was simple - Give us an abandoned school or building and we will make the transformation.

An older gentleman who has always lived at Belgara village in Chatra, Jharkhand a village of 1000 homes decided, to take things to the next level.
He convinced the villagers to give us a small, old building so that we can run a school from there.

After searching for 4 months, we managed to convince the Principal to move to this village to head this project.

It was not an easy challenge for the Principal to accept.

The village is surrounded by jungles, an area that is considered to be the the heart of the Naxalite movement in India.
Naxalites are mostly tribal people who are convinced that the Government is not doing things for their betterment.

We are very proud to share that with the help of everyone, we have opened a school for boys at Belgara village in Chatra, Jharkhand, India.

The school will have a full time Teacher, as Assistant and a Cook to run and maintain this Facility

The Teacher to Impart Knowledge
The Cook to feed them 3 meals a day and
An Assistant to run the facility

This school will be home to 25 boys ranging from the ages 5 to 12 years old.

They will live there.
They will learn there.
They will dream there. Dreams they never imagined would be a reality.
Dreams that will impact them and transform the community they live in forever.

Next, we plan to run a dispensary with an onsite doctor, who will provide free medical treatment to people from twenty neighboring villages in the area.

"We are very positive that this school, will change the lives of everyone in this community. It will spread education and love to everyone who connects with it" says Rajat Khurana, CEO, West Coast Consulting.

We have 3 Key Ingredients for success:

- Support from society
- Guidance from the Principal
- Financial help from West Coast Consulting

The cost to sponsor 1 child is $20/month. If you are interested in sponsoring a child, please email us at e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it