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The Story Behind the Name and Sails

The founders of West Coast Consulting, Rajat Khurana & Veena Varadan, came to Los Angeles originally from Mumbai, India the bustling & successful port on the western coast of India. When they moved to America, they later started their life in the Southern Californian coast of USA which is again on the west coast of America.

Time and again, in history too people "went west to strike success". So, when they decided to pursue their dream to build an Information Technology company and give back to the community, there was no doubt the company should be named West Coast Consulting.

The logo naturally fell in place, be it sails for vision or bullets for speed and accuracy, the lush colors of the ocean and sunrise where we sail to achieve our vision. The color blue stands for strength and commitment and the orange depicts speed and passion.

The three sails themselves also spell the letter W, and the orange sails stand for the 2 C's making WCC for West Coast Consulting.
Company Highlights
Founded:   1998
Number of Employees:   100+
Avg. Yrs of Experience:   10 years
Headquarters:   Southern California, USA
Development Center:   New Delhi, India
Sales Offices:   Across the US
Technology Focus:   Oracle Applications
- Implementation
- Migration
- Maintenance
Oracle JAVA
SAP Functional
- HR Implementation
- .NET
- SQL Server
Core Competency:   Onsite Consulting
Remote Consulting
Offshore Development